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Maharshi Dayananda Saraswathi University, Formerly Ajmeer University, Rajasthan, has given recognition to Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram as a Research Centre affiliated to the University. The Centre will be known as “Bharatheeya Vicharakendram Research Centre and Development (BVRCD)”. It has started functioning at Samskrithi Bhavan, GPO Lane, Thiruvananthapuram-1, on 28th April, 2007.

Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram was started in 1982 as a “Centre of studies for national reconstruction”. So far it has been carrying on various activities relating to every aspect of India’s National Life, Past, Present and Future. Though not officially recognized as part of any University it has earned a countrywide reputation as the hub of intellectual activity in which students and teachers, scholars and cultural leaders from all walks of life from India and abroad have been participating with admirable results. The Kendra has to its credit a number of Publications both English and Malayalam. It has made its mark on the intellectual climate and in the Academic circle in Kerala and outside by organizing National and International seminars. Two-landmark seminar among them particularly worth mentioning, are International seminar on “Bhagavad Gita and Modern Problems” and a National Seminar on “Research for Resurgence”. In the latter, all the Vice Chancellors of Kerala and also the NAAC and UGC participated and also helped by funding.

Thus for the last 25 years Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram has been ceaselessly working to bring out an intellectual awakening, especially in Kerala, Against this background it has been its endeavor to start an officially recognized Research Center, as an Institution, more systematic and well founded, for launching into wider and deeper spheres of activity, to mark the Rajatha Jayanthi Year of Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram. We are happy to announce that our effort in this regard has been crowned with success as the MDS University; Ajmeer- one of the leading Universities of our country- has conferred on Bharatheeya Vichara Kendram the status of an approved center of research. The Centre has been granted permission to conduct research activities on seven subjects. These are as follows:

  • Economics
  • History
  • Management
  • Philosophy
  • Politics
  • English
  • Sanskrit

    We intend to start functioning as such from this Academic year onwards. All the preparations including infrastructural facilities and renowned research guides in all these areas of research have been organized. We have also started efforts in the direction of identifying research scholars of the caliber for making the initial impact resounding.

    It may be mentioned that efforts are also being made to get approval from some other major Universities for research and project works for our Centre. It is hoped that the efforts will fructify within a reasonable time.

    Apart from routine research activities, it will be our endeavor to give quality training to the research scholars by introducing extra curricular activities like series of lectures by various nationally and inter nationally renowned scholars and organizing opportunities for the students to get exposed to the best intellectual and cultural leaders. Periodical courses and project works also will be assigned, so that the intellectual and practical capability of the research scholars will be effectively promoted. It will be our endeavor to see that products of the Institute will be comparable to the products of the best Universities in the country. BVRCD is envisioned as a “Center of Excellence” in this direction. The faculties have been selected taking all these things into consideration.

    The research conducted here will be such that they will not only have a high Academic standard, but also real relevance to the life situation and also to the national and international developments. In short it is our aspiration to make this Center an “Advanced Center for Research and Development”, in fact a real Center of Excellence. In this noble endeavor we request all people concerned with our state of Kerala and also the whole of India to come forward with their generous help, valuable suggestions and active co-operation and participation. Come on; let us make a sincere effort to achieve a great goal of which generations yet to come will feel proud and also grateful.

     MDS University
     Tumkur University

    Research Subjects







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